Vivaldi's folio

Is full of twiddles and ornaments. And is now to be found in London.

Location: London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Most Diverting!

At music school they don't usually teach you about Haydn's divertimenti. You get to hear about the London symphonies, which occupy - for reasons I can't quite fathom - rather a lot of space in music history textbooks.

I know they're big and important*, and I do think they are fantastic pieces of music, but not as thrilling as the ones he wrote in his Sturm und Drang years. Give me 'Farewell' over 'Drum Roll' anyday.

I digress. The topic was divertimenti, which I've recently just discovered. You might think I'm merely continuing my love affair with flautist Emmanuel Pahud, who only ever seems to get more good looking, but no - I actually genuinely heart these divertimenti. Like, the most. So charming! So cheerful! Kind of like Haydn was supposed to be. (Which assumption was shattered upon hearing of Haydn and his mistress. This warrants further research. Saucy!)

*Lest A Certain Cheeky Commenter use this as an opening, I did in fact go to music school.


Blogger ScroobiousScrivener said...

Go on then. Tell us about his mistress! This is the stuff. Salacious gossip about decomposing composers. Give it to us!

3:55 AM  

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