Vivaldi's folio

Is full of twiddles and ornaments. And is now to be found in London.

Location: London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Sunday, May 20, 2007

You've got mail

Now, although I have in fact been to a musical event this afternoon and even had an argument with a music exec about the recording industry versus live performance and Joburg audiences' apathy (eg. Arguer: 'There's no classical music in this town.' Me: 'Uh, how about that event at City Hall?' Arguer: 'Oh no, it's FAR too dangerous to go into the centre of town.' N.L.: 'Mini Cooper just had a launch in the CBD that was something like 60 BLOCKS WIDE attended by thousands of people. I know lots of people who went.' Me: 'And there's always the JPO at the Linder.' Arguer: 'You can get shot waiting at traffic lights at night.' Arguer 2: 'Why don't musicians come and play at schools. I'd go if they came to my kid's school.' Me + N.L. look at each other.) this is not about that.

I apologise, let's make this one of the few posts not supposedly actually pretending to be about music.

At the moment I may be Meg Ryan or Tom Hanks, I'm not sure which character is more fitting. And you'd think I would steer clear of such activities when I tried for two weeks to dissuade H.E. from going to Oxfordshire to meet the (as it turned out) spongey, sexist pig who she thought was her boyfriend. THAT didn't work, and now I'm doing the same thing.

I know it's not love to chat via email, but at the moment I wait with great anticipation for any word from M.L. Luckily, his words are many, and entertaining. He's in Manchester, I'm in Johannesburg. Though Vivaldi keeps trying to move his violin case to London, that's not Manchester. That's another town, far oop north, and coincidentally right next to where I spent my formative years growing up. So I'm well disposed to the place. But I'm not planning to move there, am I?

And yet I cannot tear myself away from my laptop, for there is an email from M.L. coming in...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now is that Tom and Meg from Sleepless or Tom and Meg from Mail? Because in Sleepless they have a long distance relationship that can't possibly work out and in the other they have an email relationship that can't possibly work out. Despite the fact that in both movies they land up together, I have personal proof that such things just cannot be. So quit trying to do both, because it will never work. Find someone that's close at hand, get to know all the crap they bring to the table, and then recognize that you're not going to do any better. Then you can just accept said crap and have a happy long term relationship.

4:08 PM  
Blogger ScroobiousScrivener said...

Pauline clearly doesn't know you at *all*.

Anyway, yay email flirtations! How very much fun. Also, thank gods *someone* is managing to keep your inbox entertaining, since I'm failing so dismally.

3:08 AM  

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