Vivaldi's folio

Is full of twiddles and ornaments. And is now to be found in London.

Location: London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I've been prompted

7 THINGS I CAN DO (how about you?)
Sing. Give me the score of a twiddly Baroque opera aria and I'll quite happily lock myself in a room until I've got it. Signature song: The Catalogue Aria from Don Giovanni.
Cook. Chocolate mousse from scratch? It's really not as difficult as you think. Signature dish: coffee-chocolate semifreddo. I won't do dinner parties again, but I'll cook just for you with pleasure.
Entertain. It's a compulsion, what can I say?
Hear. You won't believe how annoying it is to me when people are slightly off their notes.
Make daunting, seemingly impossible projects happen. It's spooky, really.
Self-dramatise. Oh, don't give me an opening.
Appreciate beauty. Yes,everything must be functional - just make it beautiful too.

Lirpe. That's the word for clicking your fingers, thanks to her. I just never worked out how.
Put up with bullshit. Really, are you so much more important than everyone else?
Deny myself anything. I can diet perfectly - by accident. The minute you tell me I can't have something, that something is all I want. Budget.
This may be linked to the denial point above, and explains why other people have furniture and I have the world's most incredible CD collection. Polyphony R us!
Be organised. That's why I'm always at work at 10pm. I drive myself mad.
Stay focused. Erm. Ditto.
Like Barbra Streisand. I've tried, really I have, and I'm letting the side down, but: no.

Big, strong hands.
Tall, beefy men with big hands wearing crisp white shirts.
Suggestion. (The actual doing often spoils the fun.)

'What is it about...?!' - always in irritation.
'The thing is...'
'Right'. If said with deadpan voice, it means I'm completely not listening to you.
'Dude, pick a lane' - my pet hate about Jozi drivers.
'Lank tit graze, China!' - because a certain someone keeps on asking for the bloody story.
'DDR!' Stop laughing, you lot.

Growing old.
Nobody wanting me.
Being a failure.
Spiders - and it gets worse every year.
Heights (but they are easily avoided).
Not knowing what I'm supposed to do on this planet.


Hear Vivaldi played in Venice.Ergo, go to Venice. And Rome, again.

Fall in love. Yes, I'm nearly 30 and no, it's never happened. Obsession has happened, and I don't want that. I want to know what the big deal is. And dammit, it would be so much easier if I didn't always have to do everything myself.

Sing baroque music on stage overseas. And receive applause because I've worked at it so hard for so long. And with that, re-record my arias. Better get cracking.

Allow myself to make mistakes, because I do - but I can't ever get over them, and it's exhausting.

Own a glam flat in London, another in Rome and a third in Cape Town. My house will be in Joburg. Not copying the Scrivener - we merely think alike.

Stop waiting for my life to start. It's been going for three decades and I haven't noticed.

* Impressive things I'd always wanted to do before shuffling off, and now have: I've heard my ultimate, absolutely favouritest piece of music performed live, in an appropriate church, in historically informed manner. That would be the young Handel's Dixit Dominus. Wow. Less dear to me but certainly always impressive, and rarely performed, Thomas Tallis's Spem in alium - three times in total. Bizarre, since it requires such massive resources to perform it and I simply got lucky with the Handel, despite its comparitive ease of production.


Blogger ScroobiousScrivener said...

So I'm left asking:

1. When on earth am I going to taste this amazing semifreddo of which I hear such good reports? Are you going to make it in Cape Town, just for me?

2. How wrong was William Morris - "have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful". You mean it shouldn't be beautiful AS WELL AS useful? Nutter.

3. "Lank tit graze, china" - what the hell did that mean, again? Lank and china I understand. Tit and graze, well, they have meaning to me, but not all together like that...

2:33 AM  
Blogger vivaldifan said...

The Scrivener shall have the world's best dessert when she is in Cape Town.

But she will have to guarantee me access to a fridge, which may be more of an issue than we realise, since I'll be on holiday and not likely to be near an equipped kitchen.

As for grazing tits, that may be a Jozi peculiarity. More peculiar, you hear it on the East Rand and in Fourways but most certainly not in the central northern suburbs. Tit = something that is very nice. (We of Craighall Primary extraction would say 'kif'.)
Graze = food (similarly, 'chow').

3:08 AM  
Blogger ScroobiousScrivener said...

Right. Graze I knew, but put together with tit, I was just thinking... kinky. So now I'm just left wondering how that's a response to someone nagging for copy.

Fridge I can provide. No problemo.

5:32 AM  

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